You cannot play this variant here currently, but there're the rules. Maybe somebody created something like it, because the rules are too easy. The rules also may be changed and the game have to be tested. And... sorry for my English ;)
There're two players - white and black. The board is like in chess (but may be bigger). In the first row, there're 6 white pieces (1-6 columns). They looks like an down-arrows. In the 1-6 rows of the first and the last columns (black pieces) and in the 1-6 columns of the last row (white pieces) everything are the same, but the arrows are turned another sides.
White move first. They move one of their pieces around the arrow on this piece by one cell. Eating is the same. The challenge is to eat all opponent's pieces (previously move one of your pieces to another side, but now the piece becomes the king. Kings can move one cell left, right, down or up). If one of the players can't move, it's stalemate.